Monday 12 September 2011

Join the IT&Telecom SIG

if you're not a member yet, join the PMI web site. You can add the IT & Telecom SIG by adding it to your shopping cart.

Membership Benefits

Web Site: The IT & Telecom Web site is the place to start if you are looking for information on what is happening with the SIG, if you want to find our about our Webinars, download a copy of our Newsletter or the Communique or if you want to access other information you can use to keep up to speed in your role as an IT or Telecom Project Manager.
Monthly Webinars: We offer featured speakers who address members' needs. These calls are held the second Thursday of every month in the year at 12:00PM Eastern Time. Participants of these conference calls are entitled to receive PDU's. Notifications are sent via email and general information can be viewed at our web site.
Quarterly Membership Newsletter: IT&TELECOM SIGNAL Newsletter is mailed quarterly to our members. If you have articles or requests for the newsletter, please send an email to Randy Tangco.
Annual Member Networking Event: The IT&TELECOM SIG holds it's Annual Member Networking Event as part of the PMI North American Global Congress each year. If you are planning on being at the North American Global Congress this is a must attend for all IT&Telecom members. This annual event has been a great success, not only do you network and meet other IT&Telecom members, but also meet PMI HQ, other SIG and Chapter members and leaders. Details on the event are posted on the website and distributed to members approximately four weeks before the North American Global Congress.

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